IAP 2024 Day 2 - Intro to React

Why I change the course?

As the course has added more content and the quality of audio is as good as the 2021 version.

What React does?

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


What is a <component /> really?

Fake HTMl Tag -> Abstraction for a bunch of HTML, CSS, and Javascript in one file

React Apps are composed of components.

8. Intro to React.jpg

8. Intro to React _1_.jpg

8. Intro to React _3_.jpg

8. Intro to React _4_.jpg

Component Tree Structure

8. Intro to React.png

Quick Recap

  • React is a Framework that lets you divide up your website into reusable components
  • Each component is kind of like a “custom HTML tag” that you define
  • Components are an abstraction of a bunch of HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • The components can be structured into tree hierarchy

Component Structure - Key features of components

e.g. Comment Component


  • This picture describes how the comment is going to be rendered on screen
  • It is a “skeleton” or “template” for all comments


Information (inputs) passed down from a parent to a child component

$$ Parent \xrightarrow[]{props} Child $$

e.g. Comment Props

- author name = "Yoda Yuki"
- comment content = "Nogizaka46!"
- date posted = 1 minute ago
- profile picture = yoda.jpg
Props are immutable
CANNOT be passed from child to parent

Quick Recap

  • Props allow us to create reusable components - renders a skeleton with custom content
  • Props are passed in from parent to child ONLY
  • Props are immutable


Information maintained by a component

  • State let us control what is displayed in th application
  • State can be updated (i.e. is mutable unlike props)
  • Can be updated by either human inputs (e.g. button clicks) or computer inputs (e.g. network responses)

e.g. Post State



Quick Recap

  • State is information maintained by components and lets us control what is displayed in the application
  • State is mutable and updated by external inputs
  • Can be passed to reusable child components as props


Component Structure Recap

  • Components can have props and/or state
  • Props are passed down from parent components and are immutable
  • State is data maintained by a component and is mutable
  • State can be kept in parent components so that it can be passed into reusable child components as props


import React, { useState } from 'react'; // <- Import React Library

const CommentReply = (props) => { // <- Define Component



export default CommentReply; //<- Export Component

The CommentReply component is a function that takes in props as an input and returns some JSX.


import React, { useState } from 'react'; 

const CommentReply = (props) => { 

        <div className="comment-text">
            <h5>Yoda Yuki</h5>


export default CommentReply; 

All this hard coding won't make our component reusable.

So we need to use props.

import React, { useState } from 'react'; 

const CommentReply = (props) => { 

        <div className="comment-text">


export default CommentReply; 


Stricter version of HTML

Return JSX = what the React component should render

() allows us to write JSX("HTML") code inside JavaScript

{} allows us to return to JavaScript inside the JSX environment to use variables defined inside this React Component


Side-by-side differences: click here

add a State

import React, { useState } from 'react'; 

const CommentReply = (props) => { 
    const [isLiked, setIsLiked] = useState(false);
    React State syntax:

    Initilizes isLiked state to false

    Declares setIsLiked as the function to update isLiked


    setIsLiked(true) will set isLiked to true
        <div className="comment-text">
            <p>{isLiked ? "Liked" : "Like"}</p> // Conditionallt render text based on the isLiked State 


export default CommentReply; 


Syntax to pass down props

<Post name="Yoda" text="Welcome to Nogizaka!" />

name and text are props


  • We divide our app into components, and put one in each file
  • Each component is a function with props as the input, and returns JSX (HTML-like code)
  • ( ) allows us to enter an JSX environment
  • Inside the JSX environment, {} allows us to create a mini JS environment
  • We pass in props with <Post text="I love weblab" />
  • We read in those props in the child component with props.text
  • We declare state variables with const [something, setSomething] = useState(initialValue)
  • React uses className instead of class for css styles