IAP 2024 Day 3 - Intro to APIs and Promises

Client and Server

  • Clients: browsers
  • Server: The devices that holds your site's information

What is Http

  • It's short for HyperText Transfer Protocol
  • You've been using Http requests and responses this whole time
  • HTTPS is HTTP Secure
    • HTTP Secure uses encryption to secure the data being transferred

HTTP Format


Target and Query Params


HTTP Methods

  • GET: gets data
  • POST: sends data, often creates change or new data
  • PUT: replaces data
  • DELETE: deletes data

The rest can be found here





Status Codes

  • 404: Not Found

  • 400: Bad Request

  • 500: Internal Server Error

  • 200: OK

  • 1xx: Informationa

  • 2xx: Success

  • 3xx: Redirection

  • 4xx: Client Error

  • 5xx: Server Error

look up here

Headers and Body



  • "Application Programming Interface"
  • Simply a set of endpoints a service allows to make requests to
  • Companies may provide APIs to allow developers to access their services

The Purpose of API

  • You need to access data
  • You're not going to access data on servers directly, that's both extremely inconvenient and a security nightmare
    • What if we want to access our own private data?
    • Shouldn't be able to access others' private data: API keys / authentication!
  • APIs provide structured places(endpoints) for you to send requests to!
  • Now you can do a bunch of things, simply by asking the right people very nicely.


What does API output

Where does the input go? -> URL

- GET /api/add
    - Input:{a: number, b: number}
    - Output: {result: number}
        - Result will be mapped to a+b
- GET /api/add?a=5&b=8
    - What does this output?
        - {result: 13}


For example in the domain of zzzhxxx.top, the endpoint is /api/stories , /api/story and '/api/comment'

  • By accessing a URL, you are making a request to an endpoint
  • GET zzzhxxx.top/api/stories, a GET request for all stories
  • POST zzzhxxx.top/api/story, a POST request to create a new story
  • Multiple endpoints can exist under the same URL, but are differentiated based on the type of request
  • zzzhxxx.top/api/comment, gets or adds a comment based in GET or POST

Preview of Making Requests to APIs in Javascript

get and post are functions actually using the fetch function

    phoneNumber: "1234567890"

    name: "Yoda Yuki",
    group: "Nogizaka46",
    phoenNumber: "1234567890"

POST /api/addUser
    name: "Yoda Yuki",
    group: "Nogizaka46",
    phoenNumber: "1234567890"

The return type of the get function is actually a PROMISE


Promises allow for asynchronous processing


get("/api/stories").then((storyObjs) => {

Once the promise is fulfilled, do stuff(call a callback function).
Returns a promise


get("/api/stories").then((storyObjs) => {
}).catch((err) => {
    console.log("Error:", err);

Once the promise is rejected, do stuff(call a callback function).
Returns a promise


  • The promise below is going to reject
const f = (promise) =>{
    promise.then((val) => console.log("a")).then((val) => console.log("b")).catch((err) => console.log("error!"));

const promise = /* Some way of getting a proise that will reject*/

The resopnse will be:

  • The promise below is going to resolve after a little while
const f = (promise) =>{
    promise.then((val) => console.log("a")).then((val) => console.log("b")).catch((err) => console.log("error!"));

const promise = /* Some way of getting a promise that will accept */

console.log("Hi there!");

The response will be:

"Hi there!","a","b"