IAP 2024 Day 3 - React Lifecycle and Hooks

How state is managed in React

Component rendering works

  • Trigger : First time component is called or State Change
  • Render : React rims the js code in component and calls subcomponents
  • Commit : React puts returned JSX into HTML DOM to be served to viewer

Component Lifecycle

Mount => State Change => ... => Dismount

The useEffect Hook

React Hooks

Hooks are special functions provided by React to access parts of the component lifecycle.


useState allows us to control the lifecycle of the component.

useEffect() hook

  • Runs after specific variables change
    • Can think of as response to state change
  • Typically used to synchronize with something external to React
    • Commonly used to load external data into state
    • Call an API/perform some computation/etc. at specific times
  • Syntax: useEffect(function, optional dependency array)
    • runs fucntion every time a variable in dependency array changes
    Do something here,
    e.g. interacting with an external service
   return () => {
         Clean up here
         e.g. close a connection
}, [/* dependencies */])

Conditional Render

condition ? resultIfTrue : resultIfFalse

Rendering an Array of Data

Loop render

  • Common pattern: render an array of data in React
    • E.g. custom dropdown menu, list of data items from database
  • Need a simple way to map data to HTML

Using map() in React

render some data in an array